Monday, 30 November 2015
Friday, 21 August 2015
Do you really mean it?
Sometimes we have our favourite verses from the Holy scriptures.
But do they really apply in our lives or they are just there to fill the head?...sometimes they become good manure for pride. Are we careful enough that we ask God to guide us as we abide in his word.
Is the word of God really a lamp to your feet and a light for your path?
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
God's sovereignty in doing his will.
God's will is that everyone who looks to the soon and believe in him shall have eternal life, and will raise him up at the last day (John 6:40)
Still he has a plan on how to accomplish that . Forexample Paul was kept by the Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. (Acts 16:6-7)
Still as we preach the gospel of Christ, let us allow him lead us...follow his will instead of following our own that vanishes.
Friday, 24 July 2015
Thank you Lord
I've come to realise the discipline i get...and am so grateful about it...being emptied that i may rely on Him.
Glad am not regretting. I rejoice in my crisis, that th father may be glorified in His son.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Don't waste your life
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Spiritual nourishment
As our physical bodies get malnourished without food, so does our spirit without the food it requires...the word of God.
My pursuit
...that I might seek to set the truth before the unconverted, I might seek to benefit believers, to relieve the distressed, in other ways seek to behave myself as it becomes a child of God in this world; and yet not being happy in the Lord, and not being nourished and strengthened in my inner man day by day, all this might not be attended to in the right spirit.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Loved by God
There is nothing to sing about my love for God, its just too small compared to His love...There is everything to sing about His love for me.
Friday, 29 May 2015
My desire
Having God as the most cherished treasure in my life. That I may desire nothing in heaven and on earth besides Him.
Friday, 15 May 2015
The battle is the Lord's
Every impossibility with men is possible with God (Mark 10:27). The conversion of hardened sinners will be the work of God and will accord with His sovereign plan. We need not fear or fret over our weaknesses. The battle is the Lord's, and He will give the victory.
Thursday, 7 May 2015
The Greatest Treasure
We must be deeply converted in order to enter the Kingdom of heaven.
We are converted when Christ becomes for us a Treasure Chest of holy joy - a crucified and risen saviour who pardons our sins, provides all our righteousness, and becomes in His own fellowship our greatest pleasure.
Thursday, 30 April 2015
There is no such thing as a mere coincidence
God's sovereignty over men's affairs is not compromised even by the reality of sin and evil in the world. It is not limited to the good acts of men or the pleasant events of nature. The wind belongs to God whether it conforts or whether it kills.